Welcome to our Department!
Department Staff: 2 Professors, 8 Associate Professors, 2 Assistant Professors, 2 Laboratory Technicians, 1 PhD Student.
Subjects and Courses of Study:
Hygiene and Ecology;
Hygiene in Pharmacy;
Hygiene in Pharmacy and Ecology;
Hygiene and Occupational Pathology;
Military Hygiene;
Environment and Health;
Health Promotion;
Topical issues of individual and public hygiene and prevention;
Health monitoring and prevention;
Monitoring and responding to public health emergencies;
Fundamentals of ecology and preventive medicine;
Modern problems of human ecology;
Nutrition and health.
Way of Learning:
The students of the following academic units study at the department:
Faculty of Medicine;
Faculty of Dentistry;
Faculty of Pharmacy;
International Students' Faculty;
Academic and Research Institute of Nursing.
The students study in the following specialties:
General Medicine;